(Mr. György was kind enough to grant me permission to share his work.)
I am super excited to share my latest project!
As an atheist, I often hear well-meaning folks offer their prayers in my direction, especially when something terrible happens. I tend to let it flow right off because I don’t want to spend the energy crafting meaningful feedback or start a debate. But, when someone close to me passes away, a switch flips when I hear things like, “they are with god now.”
I. Just. Can’t.
When someone close to me is experiencing grief, I feel at a loss. How can I best support them? What can I do that might actually help? What should I not say or do?
Grief is hard for everyone.
So, I decided to build something better. For all of us. Something that could actually help a person experiencing grief and help their support team provide actual comfort.
I started by partnering with an expert in grief and trauma, Jennifer Crow. Jennifer has been an incredible asset with years of experience navigating communication with people experiencing trauma and grief. She also was able to provide great godless resources and suggestions. This project would not have been possible without her.
We started with a book for people experiencing grief that really helps the reader understand what grief is, how it might impact their mind and body and then share some research-based activities that can help.
Then, I partnered with you, yes, you! I reached out for beta readers starting in February so I could make sure I got it right. Your feedback has been invaluable and that support has really kept me going, thank you!
Along with the book, I include research-based activities that can also help a person experiencing grief. And, some special treats to add a little instant love.
To round it out, I will have a blog series for the support team with research-based ideas about what to say, what not to say, and how to find ways you can show support and validation.
If you want to learn more, subscribe so you get the latest!
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